There are times when you look in the mirror and think, this is not who I see. This blog is about finding the other inside. I started the journey to change physically & mentally and this blog is to document how far the human heart and body can push itself.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Baby steps, Hollie. Baby steps.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
So fresh and so clean
Don't you think I'm so sexy I'm dressed so fresh so clean
Ain't nobody dope as me I'm dressed so fresh so clean
I love when you stare at me I'm dressed so fresh so clean"
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
The Long Haul
Monday, March 28, 2011
Finding Focus.
Friday, March 25, 2011
a little under the weather
Running resumes tomorrow. Blogging on Monday.
sorry kids.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Running down a dream
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
let’s talk about hydration
Hydration Station |
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Off Topic: The Last Eight Months
Where no one says to go or stay,
Where I can take my pen and draw
The girl I mean to be.” – The Secret Garden
The Aftermath |
All you ever wanted
But I could never rescue you
No matter how I tried
All I could do was love you hard
And let you go” – The Last Five Years
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
My Post Workout MacGyver Kit
My schedule is last week led to a hectic and often disheveled appearance. Mainly it is because I was waking up, going to work, and then I had something in the evening hours. It’s great I like to keep busy but I also am trying to keep to my running schedule. Take Wednesday for example, I woke up late just barely made coffee and then got to work with my giant gym bag in hand. My gym bag has a few small essentials encase I need to clean up for a night on the town. Thankfully tonight I am using a friend’s house to shower up after my run to make it to a social engagement that I would prefer to not be smelly at. So my post workout MacGyver kit did not need to be reassembled.
What is a MacGyver Kit you ask?
The other day I read a great post about a woman’s MacGyver kit, it showed a great bag that you could easily sew. I figured this would be a lot nicer than my current situation of having everything in the top drawer of my office desk.
What do I keep around? There are a few of these awesome personal wipes (with various uses) that are tablet size and will increase when you moisten them.
I also like keeping this shampoo bar in my bag because you can also use it as a mild soap too.
But for those times that I can’t shower but I was cleaner looking hair, I reach for the Psssssst. (most often this is in my trunk bag) The packaging is also just really cool.
Then I keep a travel toothbrush, travel toothpaste, deodorant, Advil, travel size lavender baby oil, chap-stick and a protein bar or shake packet. In the trunk of my car I usually also pack old sneakers, a pair of khaki’s, a change of undergarments, a t-shirt, thin sweater, and a baseball cap in a neutral color.
It’s come in handy several times over. I used to make kits like this for graduation presents. Things you'd need in a residence hall, or things you'd need as a commuter student. You'll see that perfume, body spray, etc. isn't on my list. The lavender baby oil is usually a replacement for scent & as a way to keep my skin really smooth. I just find it hard to keep my perfumes not freezing, or evaporating. (I have an travel atomizer but I have yet figured out how to open my Jo Malone without breaking the bottle.)
Call it what you will; me being nerdy, my inner girl scout of always being prepared, my swagger life style. I just like to smell good. I am pretty sure my friends, co-workers, and dates appreciate it.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
In with the good air...
The thing that I find rather funny about running is how much consentration it takes for me. There is often a checklist of things I need to remember for my run to feel successful.
- Blue compression socks
- Tying my left shoe differently than my right
- Slight lean forward from the ankles
- General upright posture
- Keep your shoulders relaxed
- Eyes forward
- Exhale on your left foot.
Besides remembering to stretch, remembering to breathe on a certain rhythm is a difficult transition for me. In general most of my life I have been told to focus in on my breathing. I've tried meditation, tried Tai Chi, tried to focus while singing. They say stress can slowly melt away if you breathe easier and relax. For years those things were a mystery to me.
The other evening I could not get to sleep. I'd like to say it was just the change in daylight savings time, or the large brownie I ate, or the fact that my mind was completely somewhere else. I was anxious and I couldn't get to sleep. At about 1am I finally broke down and put on Rod Stryker's Relax Into Greatness. (My aunt, who teaches yoga had sent me a copy of the CD right after my accident.) I took a couple Formula 303's, started the CD and got myself into a state of relaxation.
The begining of the long session (50 minutes compared to the short session of 30 minutes) gets you to focus on diaphram breathing. Placing your hand on your diaphram and being consious of the sound and movement that occurs. As your breathing becomes more relaxed the sound lessens and the movement is natural. You walk through each muscle group, noticing it but not consentrating on it, and then loop back through them in reverse order. You also think of a mantra to say, something positive that you want to reinforce. I repeated "you are beautiful" - it's intersting to me because it stuck, I swelled with happiness and felt it all come in with each breath.
I know it sounds corney. I know it. Yet, I finally fell alseep. I felt relaxed, content and happy.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Run my hood.
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Week 2 (C210K) |
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Week 5 (C25K) |
Do I feel good? Yes I do.
D., reminded me to stretch out really well after my run. So it was stretch central on the kitchen floor. Then it was a glass of water, two aleve's and my ice packs (with a little Ellen Page on the big screen)
On a side note, I was watching Whip it. If you know me, you know that was a big thing for me. To consciously choose to put the movie on and enjoy it without any associations.
A lot of good things happened to me on this run today. My running image shifted. I talked briefly about having a mantra or running image in my post 9 Weeks ago I never really let anyone know what my image was. I mentioned it once to one person. It used to be one person at the finish line standing there cheering me on. Now, it's larger. It makes me smile. It's my image and I probably won't give it up to anyone until after The Boilermaker.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
From human to hardcore
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
The Mixtape
He made a mix tape.
He was thinking of me,
Which shows he cares!
Sometimes when someone
Has a crush on you
They'll make you a mix tape
While I still stand by my motto of don't date a girl that quotes Justin Beiber, I must admit I have at least one J.Beibe'z* song on each play list dedicated to training runs. My recent play list of 10K Training Jamz is filled with all the pop tunes of the mainstream radio. Things I don't have to dedicate my mind to listening carefully to. Basically J. Beibe'z* song to me is just the chorus over and over again of "I will never say never".
Well, I've been checking out some music lately that has been on constant repeat. I like it. It makes me feel something. Yet it's slow and of a genre that I don't usually put on a mix-tape for training. I actually listen to the lyrics and it's like full "whoa". So it got me thinking about other music to run to. Could I run to some of my symphonic music, could I find enjoyment in jam band music, although I like the rock will the German lyrics of Rammstein throw me off, do I own enough Sirsy songs to make a upbeat run possible?
I will keep listing what my play lists are. Occasionally they are mix-tapes I've made for other people. (Yes, I am that guy) But I want to know what you listen to that gets your blood pumping, what you listen to when you work out, or when you escape the day? Maybe, if you are nice enough you can give me a theme and I'll make you a mix-tape and you'll live in infamy.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Just a little bump.
Let me stress a few things; 1. it does not hurt, it just bulges. 2. if something hurts after you exercise and its painful not just sore - go to the damn doctor.
I also did not get to run yesterday. That's ok, I have flexibility written into my schedule. Yet, running tonight is a rough option because I have an invited preview of my show tonight. So being sweaty and tired is really not the greatest option. So I'll run on Wednesday and try to get my run in, shower and make it to Albany at a reasonable time for a bit of planned spontaneity. (it's how I roll kids)
I can't double up on Thursday because that's opening night of my show and then I'm back to an original schedule on Friday. I just make the shift in my Google calendar and make a mental note. I still biked 8 miles at a 3:45 pace, still felt good getting that bit of exercise in. It's just a little bump in the journey, just a little bump.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Oh, Mother Nature
Because of the snow that has fallen upon freshly melted and wet roads well i have lost all hope for running outside today. I have some flexibility in my training schedule, it just sucks because my life week isn't as flexible so I've got to do some getting up super early to get things back where they need to be.
So do I cross train today on the bike, or do I rope a friend into letting me use their workout facilities in their HOA building, or do I put down ten dollars to use the YMCA today. All things that pose their own interesting limitations. Cross training is no problem, I know what to do on the bike. Yet, I really would prefer to do some strength training and well doing that here at the house is a little difficult due to space restraints.
Using my friends HOA building & the YMCA have the same limitations in the aspect of using a treadmill to try and run. Now, if I was running an actual 30 minute easy pace run it would be simple. But it's run for 1 minute walk for 4 minutes and repeat 9 times. I've yet to try doing this on a treadmill as how do I make the speed increase & decrease every 4 minutes without having to really do much to the machine? I am sure there is some way, I just don't know what that way is.
The YMCA has an additional limitation for me. $10. I know it sounds crazy but I can't seem to stress to people that I literally have a bank account with $75 in it that has to get me to the middle of next week before I have any financial frivolity.
So I feel a little stuck because I actually want to work out. It makes me feel better and I feel like I am moving forward in a very large goal.
Right now though it's get through my two hour delay, see if the snow has lightened up, and then make a plan about my fitness needs for the day.
If anyone has any suggestions, or guest passes for the YMCA in Saratoga or a gym in Schenectady, or has a treadmill that they would like to invite me to come and use...I'd be happy to gain such information.
Friday, March 4, 2011
The key is to be flexible
I know the key to my post run recovery day happiness will be if I can stretch out my stiff hips. I know my IT band is the route of all evil to my left side. I’m also figuring out my left side big toe just does not want to stay flat while I run, causing my shin to get super tired. From all the reading I’ve been doing the main suggestion is stretching.
I’ve picked up a few stretches along the way from tried and true websites, videos, and personal trainers. Yet stretching my hip flexors and my IT band remain the hardest areas to fully stretch out. It would be alright if most of my daily job wasn’t sitting at a desk for 8 hours, with a 1 hour morning & evening commute where I’m sitting stationary as well.
I am taking a look at a sports stretching class ($95) at Back in Balance Massage in Latham and I’ve found a few new stretches to try from the book 4 Hour Body I’ve thought about Yoga but I’m just not there yet.
I woke up sore and I’ve been at work for an hour or so and already feel my body just tightening up. I know that I will get used to all of it again. I’m just having a spell of complaining, followed by slow movement while I am at the house and my parents commenting on it. I have a run on Saturday that I am hoping the scattered showers stay away from while I am running. Just because I’ve taken on the battle of running in cold weather doesn’t mean that I will enjoy cold wet weather mother nature.
The weekend is always my challenge. It a food challenge, an alcohol challenge, and a motivation challenge. I know I’ll get up and run on Saturday just keep those fingers crossed and keep singing Blind Melon’s “No Rain” for me.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Off topic.
That’s my new band name. Oh, you haven’t heard about my pension to randomly create band names from random morning thoughts? I actually have a continuous note on my iphone where I can quickly type in a new band name.
Some jems are:
Free Beer & Afterbirth, Pansy Bowls & Flats, Ginger Haired Jesus, The boy I’m banging from Calcutta, Heroes of the Torah, Gyro Station.
Sometimes there are song titles from our first albums as well. Songs like:
She does make a mean fuckin cookie, Fred Savage Says, Too hungover for sunshine, Trippin over children, Quick thinking & canola oil.
This all comes from “getting the band back together” – my band is a group of awesome women who live in New York City. I see them every six months to a year and it’s always crazy when I see them. The band was formed at The Slaughtered Lamb in Greenwich Village where we all picked band rolls (I’m lead singer) and commiserated over beer & fried food, our bands name? Chub Rub & the Backfats, first single – Big Joe’s Jugular.
A few months later we lost a band member due to a relationship break up but we reformed the band with another single lady who I reconnected with. Let me set the record straight. We are in no way a real band. It’s just a bunch of misfits who like a good time. However, I’ve picked up the habit of thinking up band names. Usually I test them out with (insert band name) tonight, live at the Buckhout. If it sounds ok, then it sits in my band name list. Some times we break out into "side projects" or "solo acts" but it's just a silly way to say this is my group of friends and it's become an intersting habit.
So this morning the name Hotel Kilo came into my head for several reasons. I was thinking about alphanumeric code that we used on the radio in Washington D.C. working for NYLC and I’d be Hotel Mike, but I always hated that. Hotel Kilo would sound better I thought but what would I associate the Kilo with. Then the associations flooded inward. The ex-girlfriend’s name started with a K and so I put our real names together again and it was a sucker punch straight out of nowhere.
See I am going through an awkward patch, where you hear an awesome love song and it makes you feel something but you don’t know where to place the emotions. Do you place them with the ex who you are dead to, with the woman who you took a chance with and failed miserably and you are still getting over rejection, or find shiny new infatuation?
Then I thought about how close Hotel Kilo sounded & looked to Hello Kitty and well my love/hate relationship with that Sanrio toy and its cult following are still something I try to steer clear from, so I want to hate it but I am digging the name Hotel Kilo.
It’s all random but it’s what’s on my mind during my morning commute.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
First day out
I need to keep reminding myself of this quote. That it’s not my speed but it’s my endurance, strength, and mental focus that I am trying to train. Speed, well that will come eventually most likely during training for a race after the boilermaker.
I brought all my stuff into work so I could change in the bathroom and drive over to the Saratoga State Park to run through the trails there. I started to change and I reached in my bag thinking that I had my compression tights to wear under my shorts. Nope, I had grabbed my shirt instead so I was just rocking some shorts. Shorts in winter weather when you aren’t going to be working up a huge sweat make one particularly cold. Yet, I wasn’t going to let anything stop me.
I got to the park, started up my C210K app and my Nike+GPS app and picked the appropriately named “F*ck you, I’m prettier than you” playlist and set out on my little run. I forgot that the first week is a lot more walking than running. Each path that I set out on would eventually fall prey to being closed off due to winter snow. Ended up running from the theater parking lot, past the theater, up to the clubhouse, and back to the parking lot like three times. It equaled out to 2.3 miles and that for the first time out made me feel really good, since 1.6 miles was my first time out during C25K.
What I noticed this time around was when it told me to run, I actually ran. During C25K I “old man jogged” each time I had to run. I focused a lot on my form and breathing when I did C25K. So when I started running my 30 second intervals I remembered slight lean forward, head up straight, loose arms bent at the elbow, with each step bring heels towards the butt as much as I could.
I found myself going a farther distance when I ran, actually ran. Yes, I was winded when I was running harder than my old man jog but I knew that is how I would build in the weeks to come. That if I pushed myself harder than my 5k training but not to the point of hyperventilating, well I’d be in better shape and run a little farther and faster.
Tonight I get my paycheck for one day. (Yep, I started one day before the pay cycle ended) So with that one day pay I’m buying some wind pants. I figure I will need them as Thursday looks to be colder than yesterday and I’m now in the mind set of every other day and trying to keep to the schedule. Now, if those park roads would just get a little cleaner, I’d be a happy camper.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Runnin' Rhino

I have 131 days to prepare to run 9.3 miles.
With my couch to 10k program app for the iphone I have 13 weeks of planned training. I then have four weeks of dedicated race training.
That's a total of 39 running days. 26 cross training days dedicated to my fitness level.
Then 12 race prep days and 12 cross training days until I go to Utica for The Boilermaker.
It's crazy.
Each time I talk about The Boilermaker race I keep thinking of The Boilermaker Special & my days working at Purdue)
Now, why do I have a beautiful rhino on a treadmill who’s trying to become a unicorn at the top of this post?
Several reasons, yet most stem from this shirt being one of my motivating factors in my fitness.
I started out with an XL shirt (It was cut off me due to my accident but my mom Frankenstein stitched it back for me) and now I have a size Large of the shirt. I decided as long as it’s reprinted at I’ll get a new one each time I shrink out of the old one. So my health and fitness goals aren’t related to pound loss. They are related to can I run up the 3 flights of stairs to get to my desk and not be winded, or can I buy a size medium rhino shirt and not look like a stuffed sausage in the shirt. Long term I know how many pounds I want to lose but I also know if I focus on that I’ll get tripped up.
So tonight I run. Tomorrow I will let you know how that run went. Right now I’m looking forward to it.